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What is HK-CN VPN Security Email Transit Service

電郵加桮傳韺服務是鴃為中港兩地中小企而設一項嶄新電郵服務,由於有些地區嚴格檢查互聯網資械,對所有覹出電郵嚴桮監視或過濾。引致很多時郵件融固失蹤,利用此項服務不論檉公司辦公室在本地, 國內或海外任何地方。都可透過虛擬私有網絡以168位元加桮模式,連接到本公司香港數據中心電郵伺服器,再以本地高速而穩ㄘ網絡收發電郵。客戶融須額外購郘任何電腦設備,伺服器或申請固ㄘIP位址只須繳付相宜月費便可使用此服務。

Contact Information

Company Name
Telephone Number
Email Address

Select Components


A: Base Installation Charge
Include all VPN Firewall Appliance Hong Kong Office On-Site Installation and China Office Remote Installation.

B: Site to Site IPSec VPN Tunnel
We retail / provide one VPN/Firewall appliance to your company for one location.
Include remote administration and maintenance service for the VPN/Firewall appliance.


C: Server and Computer
How many server or computer in your office

D: Domain Name Service
Not Include domain name registration fee and domain transfer service charge .
( Domain name registration HK$200 per year )
DNS server apply and modification.

E: SMTP / POP3 Email Account
The number of user accounts for the email server. Each POP3 user account have 2GB storage space.

F: Email Alias and Email Forwarding

Optional Service:

A: On-site Installation and training
Our staff member can visit your office to installation, configuration and customization of all firewall, router, server and workstations. Train your company staff to using our service. Installation Charge or Training rates vary depending on location and the number of days.

B: Remote VPN Access Service
Accessing the office whenever and from wherever has never been easier. Whether traveling across the country, working on the other side of the world, or simply telecommuting from home, remote users and sites can access a network connection that establishes a secure remote VPN tunnel across the Internet to take them to work on your network. ( User can visit web site through the VPN tunnel, Bypass China ISP’s content filtering and monitoring )

C: FTP User Account
User can send and receive large files through our FTP server. Every FTP user account have 1GB storage space.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any enquiries

Hotline:(852) 2771 4770
Fax:(852) 3007 5133

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